Moreover, this would eliminate each year an estimated 2 million adverse drug events, 1.3 million unnecessary office visits, 190,000 unnecessary hospitalizations, and save an estimated $27 billion.
But beginning in the 1960's, mental health experts began emphasizing community-based treatment and the use of new drugs that made hospitalization unnecessary for many patients.
Starting in the mid-1950's, new drugs made hospitalization unnecessary for many patients, thousands of whom were released.
That's $7.4 trillion over the next decade for duplicate tests, preventable errors, unnecessary hospitalizations and other waste.
Meanwhile, employees, who are being asked to pay an increasing share of their medical costs, have sometimes saved hundreds of dollars each by avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations and excessive stays.
Improved care has also led to savings on medications and unnecessary hospitalizations.
Additionally, to prevent these unnecessary and costly hospitalizations, the task force could look more critically at areas such as, but not limited to:
Since the mid-1950's, when new mood-altering drugs made hospitalization unnecessary for many patients, the number of adults in the hospitals has declined to about 6,000 now, from a peak of 95,000.
They want to channel more doctors into preventive and primary care that would save money by avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations.
They get sick more often, and their illnesses become more serious, often resulting in unnecessary hospitalization and even disability.