Research shows it's less helpful in normal labours and can lead to unnecessary interventions.
Obstetricians, especially the older generation still practicing, advocate for physiological births and discourage unnecessary interventions.
It proposes removing unnecessary regulation and unnecessary intervention by central government.
In her article, Shannon Brownlee raises the issue of how doctors can discourage patients from demanding unnecessary - and often dangerous - interventions.
Ultrasound helps accurately date a pregnancy, preventing unnecessary interventions.
"An inappropriate adjudication of abuse and neglect may lead to an unnecessary and even harmful intervention into an already tenuous situation."
The play's flaws, as well as its strong points, are simply offered to the audience without unnecessary directorial intervention.
Too many unnecessary interventions have been made, while the need remains for aqueducts, schools and the means for young graduates to build a life for themselves.
We hope that this will ultimately translate into clinical practice and replace unnecessary intervention.