The decision was welcomed among Nato allies in western Europe, which had viewed the earlier project as an unnecessary provocation to the Russians.
To avoid unnecessary provocation of the law, performances were sometimes advertised as "moral lectures" rather than "theatre."
Polish Prime-Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz said he considered cartoons to be an unnecessary provocation.
In this volatile climate, Israelis, Palestinians and Syrians must keep their sights clearly on the larger goal of peace and avoid unnecessary provocations.
This, continues Clarendon, was an act 'of the most unnecessary provocation' on Strafford's part, 'though he contemned the man with marvellous scorn .
To the Editor: You criticize Israeli Army officials for ordering inmates to strip to their underwear as an "embarrassing and completely unnecessary provocation."
He al- most whistled again; but not quite, since it seemed an unnecessary provocation to disaster to call particular attention to himself at this time.
Chilean government has officially requested North Korea to refrain from performing these tests since they are "an unnecessary provocation that disrupts world peace and safety".
Criticising the prolonged stationing of the Russian Black Sea fleet represents an unnecessary provocation.
Baroness Ashton has made it very clear that the second flotilla will be a completely unnecessary provocation which could harm this process.