This is a time-consuming process, he said, and less experienced mechanics tend to misdiagnose problems and thus do unnecessary repairs or replace perfectly good parts.
Of the 14 washing machine repairmen, he said, 12 proved to be honest, but two performed unnecessary repairs.
In the last two weeks, state officials have charged Sears's auto-service centers with defrauding customers by systematically recommending unnecessary repairs.
Massachusetts officials said 114 Massachusetts stations were suspended for various activities that included improper signs, falsifying data or recommending unnecessary repairs.
They predicted landlords would perform unnecessary repairs, for which the law allows them to ask for rent increases, in an effort to reach a rent of $2,000.
He encounters a road repair crew, who are not working, and accuses them of doing unnecessary repairs to justify their budget.
Agbar agreed to reimburse car owners who paid for unnecessary repairs after the inaccurate inspections.
Earlier this month, Sears was charged - first in California and later in New Jersey - with selling customers unnecessary repairs and parts at its auto centers.
Among the topics to be discussed will be how to get the most out of management companies, tax-planning strategies, raising revenue and avoiding unnecessary repairs.
She says that when they are there they harass her by letting the water run or demanding unnecessary repairs.