No sense making unnecessary trips.
Furthermore, unnecessary trips abroad by members of government were prohibited, and all travel by ministers required the Premier's consent.
Mailbox holders can select to receive an email or text when they have a package waiting, eliminating unnecessary trips.
Eliminating unnecessary trips would cut gasoline consumption, lower gas prices, cut greenhouse gases and make us less dependent on foreign oil.
If you or someone in your family is on a repeat prescription, there's an easy way to cut out unnecessary trips to the GP's surgery.
This way anyone could tell from a distance which direction the escalator is moving and save an unnecessary trip (pun intended).
She insisted on yet another painful, entirely unnecessary trip to the operating room.
This is more efficient than the old system, in which two people who were going to the same floor might have taken separate elevators, adding an unnecessary trip.
They do not want to waste the little gasoline they still have left in the pump so they do not make unnecessary trips.
She rose, made unnecessary trips with glasses, ran cold water over her wrists in the kitchen.