Therefore, later cultural development of these two and the third unoccupied part of Balts' areas was different.
The third unoccupied part was a basis for the Lithuanian nation to form.
Later, M-5 exhibits quirks such as turning off power and life support to unoccupied parts of the ship.
It was over an unoccupied part of country, rather wild and desolate, but they did not mind that.
The driving park was the last unoccupied part of the Kountze Place suburb.
Vichy France was established on 10 July 1940 to govern the unoccupied part of France and its colonies.
Bujor left for Moldavia, the unoccupied part of the country, along with the government and a large part of the population.
Doihara soon expanded his activity into the still unoccupied parts of China.
Some said the nest had been there when the town was founded, over two hundred years before, bui the tree might have been unoccupied part of the time.
Abrahams thought that the majority of estate residents would chose to leave, so the owners could then develop the remaining largely unoccupied parts of their estates.