Apple did not discourage these "unofficial" activities, however.
Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that extralegal and unofficial activities are more prevalent in countries that privatized less.
It is not thought enough to ban unofficial political activity, institute press censorship and monopolise the means of communication, since at most these measures serve a negative purpose.
Additionally, there are a great deal of unofficial activities on campus, ranging from hallway sports to movie nights in the lounge.
This is an unofficial activity mainly conducted by the outgoing class of the year.
"I think you've been involved in quite enough unofficial activities lately," White had said with asperity.
In Australia generally, unofficial activities and commemorations associated with International Workers' Day take place on May Day.
The division of activities between official and unofficial activity differs widely between polities, even within a single country.
His unofficial activities included promoting summer schools for teachers, and he was in demand as an adjudicator at music festivals.
Song Yude, a 34-year-old Protestant evangelist, was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment in 1986 for carrying out unofficial religious activities.