Carman extensively researched an unofficial biography of British National Party leader Nick Griffin, but this has not been published.
She is currently under contract with New York magazine staff writer Gabriel Sherman to fact-check his unofficial biography of Fox News head Roger Ailes.
In additional there are numerous unofficial biographies, including:
When the party subsequently elected William Hague as its leader later that year she undertook to write an unofficial biography of the man.
In an unofficial biography by a Toronto reporter, William Houston, he was quoted as saying: "You live by the sword.
Prior to Mosaic, only unofficial biographies of Grant's life and career had been published.
Apart from the official Kiss books, there have been countless unofficial biographies and pictorials.
Bartek Koziczyński has written unofficial biographies of Tool and Red Hot Chili Peppers.
But if you follow the links to his unofficial biography, you will learn much, much more about him - more than 4,800 pages of postings, in fact.
NIRVANA have hit out at two women compiling an unofficial biography about the band.