Ambassador, the advisory group is well aware of the extraordinary efforts you have made to bring an unofficial Romulan delegation to Babel.
But they left open the door for unofficial delegations from both churches who could explain their decisions on homosexuality.
The council, which is scheduled to vote Tuesday on a bill that would set terms of office of the unofficial delegation, has postponed a similar vote three times in the past.
The task they gave him was to join the unofficial Irish delegation to the Paris Peace Conference.
Women who attended the Beijing meetings said he was the only head of a major international financial institution to meet with unofficial delegations in China.
Governor Rossello refers to Mr. Serrano and his Puerto Rican colleagues as his unofficial delegation.
Between August and October 1918, he joined an unofficial congressional delegation that toured Europe, surveying the tactical situation and meeting with leaders there.
In July 2008, he was part of the unofficial Syrian delegation to the United States whose request to meet officials at the State Department was turned down.
This week an unofficial delegation of retired American military officers and defense experts visited Havana to discuss ways of reducing tensions.
Before Mehta or the board had a chance to do so, the orchestra sent an unofficial delegation to ask Maazel if he would be interested in the job.