Local and regional officials of the Department of Religious Affairs viewed as responsible for allowing these unofficial gatherings to take place were also fired.
Emigre groups in the West said the official event was aimed at pre-empting planned unofficial gatherings to include church services, silent steet processions and today's rally.
It was not a formal meeting of the Council of American Writers, but an unofficial gathering.
At several official and unofficial gatherings he met Selina Wesley, a fine plump young woman with a prominent bosom, an indifferent reputation and a roving eye.
Keep well away from any official or unofficial gathering of a political nature.
In 1861, he was a member of the Washington peace conference, an unofficial gathering of Northern and Southern moderates attempted to avert war.
In practical terms, this means that reincarnation is not maintained as fact from the podium, but it can be addressed in unofficial gatherings.
"Captain, I happened to be present at a highly unofficial gathering where the hunters and some of our personnel were present. . ." "Chocolate Harry's poker game?"
They hadn't been called for this unofficial gathering, it seemed, probably because the mayor knew they would side with Roan on this issue.
This unofficial gathering was the genesis of the present-day Old Martinians' Association (OMA) which now has chapters spread across the globe.