He was the unofficial mayor of his block.
Then, bursting like a teakettle: "I am the unofficial mayor of New York!
About 440 families live in the stadium, at least 100 more than a year ago, said Ismail Ibrahim, an unofficial mayor of the camp.
"I've probably shot three or four people over that sign," said Landon Hampton, the town's unofficial mayor.
The man who ran the store was sort of the unofficial mayor of Haldeman.
Or perhaps Logan Brock, a kind of unofficial mayor of the community but really a real estate speculator.
The Labrador retriever is the unofficial mayor of the East End.
He has worked on the Leidseplein for almost 20 years and is something of an unofficial mayor.
But Manuel, the owner of the café on the village square and the town's unofficial mayor, settled the question, as he usually did.
Hearth and Leisure and sometimes called the community's unofficial mayor.