However, they were involved in an unofficial role in consultations with the other Western representatives.
Extensive use was made of this authority with the parole board playing an unofficial role for the Attorney General.
As it was an unofficial role, they had to disguise him as a professor to get him into the grounds.
She finds herself enjoying her unofficial role of mother and caretaker.
In his unofficial role, he conducted more than a thousand tours for residents and visitors.
After several weeks, Cook assumes an unofficial advisory role to the scriptwriting and the development of the series.
His unofficial role was made formal on March 14, 2002.
However, by his own account he had then been accepted as a volunteer in an unofficial military role.
As his roommate, section leader, and best friend, Woods was the one expected to play the unofficial role of grieving next of kin.
She said he has not played any unofficial role, such as meeting with commissioners or aides.