I had been told about Goytisolo's unorthodox domestic arrangements: he shares his home with two Moroccan brothers and three of their children.
These were introduced as of 1999 along with fancy choreography and unorthodox musical arrangements.
Because of this unorthodox arrangement, students are told to reread the teachings often and under varied circumstances.
Whether there was any acrimony over this (especially by the professed standard of the time) unorthodox sexual arrangement was not something they ever talked about.
Hunt also engaged in unorthodox social arrangements such as communal living in a phalanstère.
Ron Burke, a former baseball prospect who operated a fast-food restaurant in the city, made the best of the unorthodox arrangement.
He was glad he had taken the job, regardless of the unorthodox arrangements.
She practices probate law, a field generally thought to be more sedate and, therefore, more amenable to unorthodox arrangements.
Such an unorthodox arrangement was typical of Murray, who had consistently taken a non-sectarian approach to Christian worship.
For a moment or two Charis was bewildered by a strange and unorthodox arrangement of buttons.