It's just one of several unorthodox choices that Thomas Schumacher, the president of Disney Theatricals and the show's lead producer, has made.
In a few hours, "Measure for Measure" is to open, and like "Titus" the summer before, it is an unorthodox choice.
Mr. Arau may have seemed an unorthodox choice, but to Mr. Stephens his selection was in keeping with the spirit of the project.
Mr. Turchie was an unorthodox choice for the job of running the Unabom investigation.
It was an unorthodox choice, especially for a Republican representing suburban Long Island, far from the federally financed high-rise projects of New York City.
Fever's unorthodox choice of music pays off as the series goes on, and by the final episode he has become the number-one morning DJ in the city.
Given The Voice's devotion to the New York political and cultural scene, Mr. Wemple is an unorthodox choice.
Mr. Kirk, originally from rural North Carolina, was an unorthodox choice to run the complex.
His unorthodox choice of a running mate has won broad acceptance by the party and by the electorate as a whole.
Her doctors and lawyers say they helped Miss Duke realize her final wish in a lifetime of unorthodox choices.