Baltacha deserved the win, even if it came in an unorthodox manner.
You're handling the entire situation in a very unorthodox manner.
This he did in a highly unorthodox manner.
In an unorthodox manner, his face pressed lovingly into her stomach.
It was because he had been seen by the innkeeper exiting the harper's garden in that unorthodox manner.
The skeletons found on this site were buried in unorthodox manner and might have been plague victims.
Politics here has traditionally operated in something of an unorthodox manner, and this year's race has been no different.
The source control transferwas being handled in a very unorthodox manner.
In this unorthodox - and extremely difficult - manner, he steered the boat for most of the race.
Her outspoken, unorthodox manner later led to her ouster from the group.