There was no closet; my stuff was draped over a spindly wooden chair and more unpacked boxes.
He is new to the building, and his room is full of unpacked boxes which contain antique medical sculptures which he has collected over the years.
That done, I went into the outer office and moved all the unpacked boxes back into the closet.
Even amid her unpacked boxes, "it is great to be able to spread out," she said.
Sitting at the table, she stared unseeing at the depressing mess in her living room, the unpacked and halfunpacked boxes.
Shoppers squeezed their carts through aisles cluttered with towers of unpacked boxes that blocked the goods on the shelves.
Rolling in slowly, he parked next to the mass of unpacked boxes and killed the engine.
While living in a new house with a hundred unpacked boxes is like camping in a warehouse, the hardest part of our move was leaving the old house.
Uhura rummaged in one of the unpacked boxes for a flashlight, then started looking through the marked cartons of food.
"There is a kind of trench machismo about the whole thing," said Mr. Hirschorn, sitting among unpacked boxes in black jeans.