Scott is said to have dealt with unpaid accounts by ruling them out of his books.
The unpaid accounts included $7 million for Canadian patients, which the Ontario Province health plan is refusing to pay in a dispute with the company.
It is perfectly legal to charge a reasonable interest rate on your unpaid or late paid accounts.
The High Court is also used for pursuing unpaid accounts provided they are over £600.
So the sooner your unpaid accounts are paid, the sooner you stop paying and the greater are your profits.
By December 1994, the unpaid account was up to $16,880.
The artists charge that Mr. Moreau left behind many unpaid accounts.
Any unpaid accounts may be dealt with by levying a charge on your property to be claimed when the house is sold or changes hands.
The laws regarding late payment and claims for unpaid accounts payable is related to the issue of accounts payable.
He busied himself for the balance of the morning in getting together all his unpaid accounts and making a schedule of them.