I found him perfectly charming, and glad to have me as an unpaid, very junior assistant in the design office and on wind tunnel research.
Kurenniemi was also employed by the department as an unpaid voluntary assistant.
Ms. Whalen and two unpaid assistants care for 400 animals, half of which are suitable for adoption, she said.
In 1990, Cohane left his firm and went to Boston College as an unpaid assistant.
'You probably will,' she retorted, 'when you've no further need for an unpaid assistant.'
On his return, Zaitsev again joined Butlerov as an unpaid assistant.
For several years, she was Harry's unpaid assistant.
He was making enough money to hire a small staff, which was augmented by a troupe of unpaid assistants.
Gertrude was granted neither salary nor laboratory space, and worked in Maurice's lab as an unpaid assistant.
She married Mr. Foley in 1969 and became his unpaid assistant.