Its collapse left more than 5,000 people with $1.9 million in unpaid claims.
Such funds can protect consumers from unpaid claims should an insurer fail.
It was the first failure ever of a plan and left 51,000 people with unpaid medical claims.
A June financial statement indicates that it has another $136 million in settled but unpaid claims.
The president estimated the backlog to be about 600,000 unpaid claims.
The problem came to light when members of the local complained about unpaid claims to the union's Federal overseers.
For many enterprises, the logjam of unpaid claims has become a major headache.
Mr. Carter said that, so far, there had been no offer of any state money to cover the unpaid claims.
Previous estimates by Pinnacle had placed the unpaid claims at $80 million.
The unpaid claims are complicated for a number of reasons.