The Senate voted to require many employers to grant up to 12 weeks of unpaid leaves for family needs.
Some 15 legislative aides working on campaigns yesterday said they had taken vacation or unpaid leaves.
At least 20 percent of workers are on unpaid leaves, Mr. Barkov said.
Q. How can people manage with unpaid leaves?
When she takes unpaid leaves to write, she added, she must pay her own health costs.
Extensive leaves, paid or unpaid, for childbirth and early child care remain the exception, far more than in other industrialized nations.
They could even take sabbaticals - yearlong unpaid leaves from the company - no questions asked.
This year he took on unpaid parental leaves and aid to the homeless.
According to Tufts's written policy, unpaid leaves and the accompanying benefits are normally limited to one year.
A bill requiring employers to grant workers unpaid leaves for family and medical emergencies emerged at the top of the list.