Then there were another 20,000 unpaid rank-and-file members, many of whom wanted nothing more than an opportunity to become a foot soldier.
Derwent Living is managed by a board composed largely of unpaid voluntary members.
There is also an overseeing board of unpaid members and a legal team in support.
Granted, the only unpaid members of the family, but members nonetheless.
Unfortunately, unpaid members can't comment there, so I'll comment here instead.
The Council consists of seven unpaid members elected in a general election in the town every two years.
Each has up to 50 unpaid members, who are appointed to two-year terms by the borough president, half at the recommendation of a Council member.
Each board consists of fifty unpaid members appointed by the borough president.
It gives the Committee the flexibility to allow unpaid members to devote themselves to one-off projects.
(About 375 unpaid members of the wine trade and media attended.)