On November 20, 2009, the pedway connecting the unpaid portions of Lake and Washington stations reopened to service.
When you rid yourself of the unpaid portions of salaries like McGriff's $4.25 million, only your accountants will think you are smart.
In effect, they obtained an interest-free loan from the Government for the unpaid portion of their taxes.
At p625 he stated: A vendor selling property to a purchaser cannot be said to lend him the unpaid portion of the purchase price.
Taxpayers who owe the Government money run a risk of penalties that can add 25 percent to the unpaid portion of their tax bill.
The Government paid back $700 million in October, and then extended the unpaid portion one more time.
On June 14, it filed a lien for the unpaid portion, $559,566.
If you haven't fully repaid your loans after 25 years (time spent in deferment or forbearance does not count) under this plan, the unpaid portion will be discharged.
Under the Act, shareholders were still liable directly to creditors, for the unpaid portion of their shares.
If Sanders was traded now, the unpaid portion of the bonus, more than $7 million, would count immediately against the salary cap, which is $57.3 million.