Besides the possibility of drawings on the unpainted walls, there is often classical music playing, and what sometimes borders on Socratic dialogue.
I loved the house, but I was slightly embarrassed by its unpainted wooden walls and unconventional character.
Now, the silver leash snaked across the bare floor and up the unpainted wooden wall to where the bracelet hung on a peg.
The larger chamber beyond the glass was a simple box of concrete, with unpainted walls.
We entered the living room where the walls, cracked and unpainted, looked like the overworked veins of a coal mine.
The unpainted walls are waxed skim-coat plaster and the floors are dark green slate.
Kyle moved far enough along the unpainted wall that Travers would have to leave the door to reach him.
Around the village were scattered single storey dwellings with straw roofs and unpainted walls.
It is much plainer than the second floor, with unfinished paneling and unpainted walls.
Inside, flies buzzed under a zinc roof and unpainted walls.