Avery had included problems stemming from non-organic unpasteurized juice in his calculations.
But parents aren't doing their kids any favor by giving them unpasteurized juice.
Consumed any undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk or other dairy products, or unpasteurized juice.
Fresh-squeezed, unpasteurized juice is the closest to consuming the orange itself.
Another form, sold as fresh, unpasteurized juice, commands a tiny fraction of the market.
S.T.O.P. wins mandatory consumer health warning labels for unpasteurized juices.
Some markets also sell raw, unpasteurized juice in the refrigerated case - look for the required warning label and steer clear.
The company later explained that it had met rising demand by bringing from Mexico a tanker truck of unpasteurized orange juice, chilled with contaminated ice.
However, unpasteurized juices and ciders sold at farms, stands, or in health food stores, can harbor E. coli.
Odwalla originally sold unpasteurized juices, claiming that the process of pasteurization altered the flavor of the juice.