However, food afflicted with freezer burn may have an unpleasant flavour.
He recommended, however that the very best wines should not be mixed with resin because of the unpleasant flavor introduced thereby.
The honey produced is however dark and has a strong and unpleasant flavour.
The kernels are washed thoroughly of remaining nejayote, which has an unpleasant flavor.
They obtain their unpleasant flavour from the milkweed plant.
The milky white sap is sticky and has a very unpleasant flavor.
Turf was not used as it gave the oats an unpleasant flavour.
His lips drew slightly downward, as if he bad tasted something of unpleasant flavour.
The flavour is common in medicines to disguise unpleasant flavours.
Both animal groups were fed a diet of local fish, which gave the meat an unpleasant flavour.