It was, for Annie, a very winning smile, yet it had an unpleasant quality he could not quite put his finger on.
Her voice had an unpleasant, too-relaxed quality about it.
There was an unpleasant kinetic quality to their movements, a jerkiness, they seemed either to bang into one another or to be about to.
It spoke crisply, with an unpleasant metallic quality of tone.
"And you believe that one can turn off these unpleasant qualities like a tap?"
Byron's voice had an unpleasant cracked quality to it.
But now that silence had an unpleasant waiting quality.
Everything inside the dacha was clammy; the atmosphere had about it an unpleasant, unused quality.
Luzhin has some unpleasant qualities, but he is very successful.
Righteousness, good Lord-it is I a most unpleasant quality in a person.