There was a distinctive unpleasant scent in the air.
They have an unpleasant scent and are ephemeral (each flowers lasts for only a few days).
It had a sharp scent somewhat like watercress, not unpleasant, but nothing he recognized.
It is roughly hairy and has an unpleasant scent.
An odd and unpleasant scent that made her stomach roll.
The leaves and timber have an unpleasant scent, hence the common name.
There was a faint, unpleasant scent to the air, like something stale or overcooked.
The hybrid between the two species occurred in cultivation, and is larger than either parent, with a less unpleasant scent.
There was a faintly unpleasant scent beneath the smell of the perfume.
The slightly unpleasant scent in the North Charleston morning air?