Taking steps against it could make unpopular governments even more suspect.
But with the economy still deteriorating and the government so unpopular, the issue of the leadership will not go away.
The interest of defending an undemocratic and unpopular government that was halfway around the world?
But the Polish public, offered a chance to line up behind its unpopular Government, declined.
Coupled with heavy taxation and an unpopular government, it caused an uprising.
Among them were a number of Jewish communists who played a highly visible role in the unpopular communist government and its security apparatus.
For a new chancellor, presenting a budget for an unpopular government, it was the best he could do.
All because there is a ready-made scapegoat in the form of an unpopular previous government that had lost its direction.
Weaknesses: his past as a coup-maker and the fact that he symbolizes an unpopular Government.
And, in a narco version of an old Mexican revolutionary tradition, he stands against an unpopular government.