It was not long before the State Legislature responded to the uproar over the unpopular law.
The unpopular law was eventually repealed by the Governor on February 21, 1940.
The arrest was considered a message that the locally unpopular law would be seriously enforced by federal authorities.
The unpopular law was abolished on March 15, 1944.
Last year, Spain passed a highly unpopular law that would make religious instruction a required part of the curriculum in public schools.
Doesn't the enactment of a truly unpopular law that would be rescinded by the voters, if given an opportunity, weaken "representative" government?
Organized crime expanded to deal with the lucrative business, and there was widespread corruption among those charged with enforcing unpopular laws.
It was also common for the Dublin crowds to hold violent demonstrations outside the Irish Parliament when the members passed unpopular laws.
The exhibit also vividly chronicles the marshals' recurrent role in enforcing unpopular laws.
After Stalin's death in 1953, the unpopular 1936 laws were revoked.