That total was gradually whittled down, and the most wildly unpopular proposals were killed - especially the drivers' permit fees, which will not rise.
That decision was put off with a March 15 deadline for again considering such unpopular proposals as a new property tax on motor vehicles.
After suggesting but then quickly withdrawing an unpopular proposal for a higher gas tax last year, the Governor now seems ready to fight for it.
The government abandoned unpopular proposals to cut mobility benefit payments to disabled people living in care homes.
Over the last decade, he has drafted hundreds of unpopular proposals to trim Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and welfare spending.
The Clipper chip is a breathtakingly unpopular proposal by the Administration to make computers and telephones easier for law enforcement officials to bug.
A 2006 fare increase is only the most recent addition to a string of unpopular proposals from the authority.
Mr. Yeltsin has criticized the plan, and today he referred to the "unpopular proposals by the Soviet Government to step up economic reform."
Wang Qinruo had a few very unpopular proposals, including moving the capital to southern China.
Washington is one of the few states without one, and it remains a highly unpopular proposal.