As for the lotteries, they are politicians' fun way to avoid imposing unpopular taxes.
They'd probably only spend it the wrong type of herring or something and introduce unpopular taxes on root vegetables.
Rates are a particularly unpopular tax, but as recently as 1983 the government concluded, 'they do have advantages.
The most likely political beneficiary of the campaign against an unpopular tax is the Mayor himself, just as he begins his re-election drive.
Top of the wish list is the country's most unpopular tax - fuel duty.
Before 1790, the gabelle was a very unpopular tax on salt.
So we have to admit this is a highly unpopular tax and we've not been able to sell it.
The override of the veto fell a vote short, and the massively unpopular tax was kept in effect.
It is almost certain that unpopular new taxes and spending cuts will be imposed over the next few months 'in order to stay in Europe'.
The gross receipts tax, as it is known, has long been among the most unpopular taxes collected by the state.