Étienne de Flacourt, a French governor of Madagascar in the 1640s and 1650s, mentions an ostrich-like bird said to inhabit unpopulated regions.
He felt the mystery of these vast, unpopulated regions.
They were in a wild, unpopulated region.
Diaz apparently hoped that the mine would create a development zone in the arid and unpopulated region.
Unlike those of the first game, the battles unfold not in populated cities where one must destroy opponents while sparing the buildings, but in desolate, unpopulated regions.
The local tsunami generated by this earthquake affected a mostly unpopulated region.
Thomson's travels in China were often perilous, as he visited remote, almost unpopulated regions far inland.
This is a vast, largely unpopulated region, with isolated logging and mining activity.
One excuse always follows another for some kind of human management of the unpopulated regions of Scotland.
And because the San Andreas runs beneath largely unpopulated regions of California, the big one could produce less damage in Los Angeles than the quake today did.