An unprecedented coalition of nonprofit and grassroots organization have committed to help spread the word about Connect to Compete.
The message was created by an unprecedented coalition of private companies, nonprofits and government organizations.
Last year Maria's skill as a consensus builder created an unprecedented coalition.
You have an unprecedented coalition (as far as i'm aware) .
An unprecedented coalition was formed that included the United States, our NATO partners and Arab nations.
"We have forged an unprecedented coalition that is encouraging us to press ahead, and that's exactly what we plan to do."
In media interviews, Coshof explained that the film attracted an unprecedented coalition of leaders in science, religion, business, environmental activism and education.
An unprecedented coalition of more than 60 government advisers, charity directors and independent experts is demanding "urgent" and "fundamental" reform to care and home help services in England.
The U.S. would have created and led an unprecedented international coalition and, with modest casualties, forced an aggressor to yield his spoils.
It was an unprecedented coalition of the two liberal parties and Labour.