About five minutes later, the Russians began a bombardment of unprecedented ferocity.
There may even be plagues of unprecedented ferocity that will depopulate great areas before the wit of man can overcome them.
PA officials responded to these Iranian statements with "unprecedented ferocity".
They were characterized by unprecedented ferocity, wholesale destruction, mass deportations, and immense loss of life variously due to combat, starvation, exposure, disease, and massacres.
The next day Paris woke to a blizzard of unprecedented ferocity.
In remarks upon the occasion, he warned of "a storm of unprecedented ferocity" which threatened the judicial autonomy of Hong Kong.
There are moments in the show when his ambition peaked and every motif was attacked with an unprecedented ferocity.
As the year 1961 draws to a close, all of Europe enters a winter of unprecedented ferocity.
He had expected to welcome its permanent absence from his thoughts, but then the Borg returned with an unprecedented ferocity marked by aggressive tactics and a disturbing new motivation.
Around four o'clock the twilight anxiety came over me with unprecedented ferocity.