Although there was some recovery in Ontario and Atlantic Canada, Liberal hopes of making unprecedented gains in the west faded.
Unprecedented Electoral Gains But the incidents also come at a time of unprecedented electoral gains by blacks in the South.
Paul Hall led the SIU in the General strike of 1947 when seamen won unprecedented gains in wages and conditions.
Mr. Kinnock predicted Labor that would win the election with a 20-seat majority in the House of Commons, which would require an unprecedented gain of 127 seats over what the party has now.
Mulroney described the new constitutional agreement as "a fair and honourable compromise that will strengthen Canada", but acknowledged that Quebec had made "unprecedented gains".
Stocks in fast-growing India are recording unprecedented gains, and now analysts are warning that the market pendulum may have swung too far.
Once the sodomy charge was overturned in 2004 and he was released, the affair threw Anwar into the opposition, which he led to unprecedented gains against his former ruling party in 2008 general elections.
It was also seen as an effort to block the banned Muslim Brotherhood, which made unprecedented gains in recent parliamentary elections, from promoting an independent candidate for president in 2011.
In 1949, the party made unprecedented gains.
And KLM made its unprecedented gains in the same time that I made mine.