In these works, Strauss takes realism in orchestral depiction to unprecedented lengths, widening the expressive functions of program music as well as extending its boundaries.
But since the war began, the administration has gone to unprecedented lengths to restrict news coverage of not only its own activities but also Osama bin Laden's.
The exceptional length of the seismic swarm, unprecedented at the time in Ferrara, led some to believe it was a supernatural phenomenon.
The prince's decision has drawn a hostile reaction from many conservation organisations, including the Countryside Commission, not least because of the unprecedented length of the licences.
The unprecedented length stems from the record number of 102 yachts competing, and the Etchells' 30-foot size added collectively.
The system that will take its place goes to unprecedented lengths to construct a safety net not around a check but around a job.
The Republican platform says that Reagan-Bush economic policies have created an "economic wonder," an expansion of unprecedented length and strength.
The immediate effect was to allow the allocation of enormous public rooms of unprecedented length and volume.
Also controversial was the unprecedented length of his tenure as President.