Consider the unprecedented scope of what even the most ardent Clinton partisan must admit is a criminal conspiracy.
They could not, however, have been sustained without the development of parallel general educational initiatives of unprecedented scope.
That, in turn, put more pressure on the Democratic committee to carry out a fund-raising program of unprecedented scope.
"We are pursuing that priority aggressively and systematically with a national and international investigation of unprecedented scope," he said.
When the canal finally opened, Ismail held a festival of unprecedented scope, inviting dignitaries from around the world.
"This case presents to the court a record of the extraordinary efforts undertaken by the state to implement a preschool program of unprecedented scope," the response said.
The cigarette makers, besides being the subject of five Federal grand jury investigations around the country, are enmeshed in lawsuits of unprecedented scope and peril.
The delay reflects the challenges that the authority faces in offering a discount package of unprecedented scope.
The tax scheme was of unprecedented scope and he didn't cooperate.
The European Commission is about to conclude negotiations with Canada on a free trade agreement of unprecedented scope.