For a moment, Riker sat silent, contemplating the unpredictable turn of events that had eliminated each possible representative, one by one.
Officials Searched for Case He also said, "The process has taken some difficult and unpredictable turns," referring to the release of Diane's full name.
In mid-August, however, Kenya's political crisis took a nastier and more unpredictable turn.
Repeatedly, the narrative hinges on uncanny and unpredictable turns of fortune.
Snoop is something special, with unpredictable turns of phrase, evocative imagery, and a distinctive, addictive flow".
Not for once the audience can get bored because of the unpredictable turn of the events cleverly knitted in the plot.
When an older man and woman enter, the stage is set for an unpredictable turn of events.
He then signed a four-year contract with the club, but his career took an unpredictable turn due to the outbreak of the Bosnian War.
Whatever the case, events in Burma/Myanmar seem to be taking an unpredictable turn.
It has been impossible to determine whether Mr. Hun Sen actually favors holding a trial, which could take unpredictable turns.