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That the conduct of the Moscow Trials was such as to convince any unprejudiced person that no attempt was made to ascertain the truth.
Despite their often dry character, Hall's works bear re-reading, not least because of his refusal to bewail the state of the language: No unprejudiced person, if he takes the trouble to observe and consider, can soberly maintain, that English is deteriorating.
I just kept praying that I would be transferred to another section supervised by an unprejudiced person.
Not to mention those undercurrents that have stirred up the stagnant sea of the people and are clear to any unprejudiced person.
Among its conclusions, it stated that "the conduct of the Moscow trials was such as to convince any unprejudiced person that no effort was made to ascertain the truth.
It's hard enough to find a jury with even a single unprejudiced person.
I just kept praying that I would be transferred to another section supervised by an unprejudiced person" (Texaco's Diversity Debate," Letters, Jan. 15).
Any unprejudiced person would accept the green lights to be the eyes of a great snake, such as tradition pointed to living in the well-hole.
I may venture to say, there has not been an instance of this kind since the date of our Charter; and in the opinion of judicious and unprejudiced persons, it is a matter of very great moment.
To ease her mind, and ascertain by the opinion of an unprejudiced person what her own conduct had really been, she took occasion to mention before Mr. Allen the half-settled scheme of her brother and the Thorpes for the following day.