And all this turmoil was created, for the most part, by this quiet, unprepossessing young man.
Matsuro felt that with this question the unprepossessing little man had put his finger on the heart of the situation.
An only child, he grew to be a short, balding, unprepossessing man with a warm manner.
Hoagland, whom I meet soon after at the library, is a singularly unprepossessing man.
But how did that physically unprepossessing man exercise such control over people who were his own peers?
Fisk could see already that this unprepossessing young man was master of his specialty.
There was a rather unprepossessing young human man.
En route to the door, Lincoln paused to whisper something into the ear of an unprepossessing man.
He was a small and unprepossessing man in a black suit and black tie.
In many ways he was an unprepossessing man; yet his heart had secretly pounded with high ambition.