Greaves tenaciously completed the job however, and the large, stately, but relatively unpretentious building was finally opened in 1884.
It is a small unpretentious building of the medieval Spanish type.
It's an unpretentious building, constructed of concrete foundation, concrete walls, and a corrugated iron roof.
She pointed to a small unpretentious building.
THE house with the number 1711 was an unpretentious building in a secluded block.
He then walked up the street to an unpretentious building, unlocked the door of the house, and entered.
The house, standing on the high ground above the station, is an unpretentious building of the 17th century, with stone mullioned windows on the south front.
Finally there was the chapel, that unpretentious building with the wooden crucifix.
The unpretentious building on Queen Anne Hill had a magnificent view.
Private practice followed, in an unpretentious commercial building at 20 East 53d Street.