He is pleased that the economic plan makes it far easier for employers to lay off unproductive workers.
Some economists say the number of unproductive workers is as high as 30 percent of the urban work force.
They suggest that this is a fitting time to dismiss unproductive workers because they can find jobs in other sectors.
Sometimes senior managers do not mind unproductive workers if they suck up to them occasionally blaming instead those who are competent but independent minded.
While mass layoffs are still taboo, companies are edging unproductive workers off the payroll.
It is entirely true, there are unproductive workers in businesses up and down the country, from the top of the pay scale to the bottom.
In Lenin's writing, this was not so much directed at lazy or unproductive workers, but rather the bourgeoisie.
It warns Britain's growth is being undermined by red tape and says firms should be given the power to dismiss unproductive workers without explanation.
That makes it harder for executives to shrug off the act as an unfortunate but necessary purging of unproductive workers.
Good workers, these aides said, would be rewarded while unproductive workers might be persuaded to shape up or leave the city's work force.