It is better to increase the pay for unprofitable areas than to force the taxis to serve these areas.
Costly licenses and equipment militate against the spread of mobile phones to poor communities, especially rural ones, putting the burden on governments to lure operators into seemingly unprofitable areas.
In many rural areas, it provides services in unprofitable areas that would be unattractive to private operators.
Q. Aren't you afraid that, by looking at markets so broadly, G.E. will venture into unprofitable areas?
So since when is it the responsibility of a corporation to act as a public entity and serve unprofitable areas?
These changes are turning "what used to be an unprofitable area into another tort," Mr. Paskoff said.
Competition has forced prices lower, and regulators have set up mechanisms to ensure that deregulation neither reduced service in unprofitable areas nor hampered the ability of local phone companies to make money.
Not to mention, this plan also encourages, and starts to require telcos to actually build out into those "unprofitable" areas.
It is my view that the need for an EU patenting framework should not result in high treatment costs, nor in channelling research away from unprofitable areas which have a public benefit.
No other nation presented a challenge for the vast and relatively unprofitable area of Angola.