Almost every week, one company or another announces changes to its schedules, weeding out unprofitable routes.
Or the airline could have sold major assets and discontinued flights on unprofitable routes.
Because the total losses from unprofitable routes are greater than before, the government would have to increase its subsidy.
"There certainly is past practice to cut unprofitable routes," Judge Williams said.
It has played an important role in sustaining a scenic but otherwise remote and unprofitable route.
Without them, he said, United would have to sell assets and pull out of unprofitable routes.
Airlines will start pulling out of unprofitable routes rather than fighting for market share.
He cut the work force by 15 percent, eliminated unprofitable routes and replaced all 11 senior executives with five of his own choosing.
The airline said it might use the strike as an opportunity to make more cuts in unprofitable routes.
Instead, it is dropping unprofitable routes and focusing on subsidiary businesses like computer consulting.