After an unpromising start he was sent to play for El Nacional.
After a somewhat unpromising start, they were installed in their current location without the benefit of the original design for their display.
He made it despite an unpromising start in the east Texas town of Mineola.
He married Madeleine - ten years older than himself - in grati-tude for her overlooking his unpromising start.
However, even with this unpromising start, more could possibly have been achieved with a leadership less trapped in its own class origins.
Somehow, however, we got from that unpromising start to a stunning outcome.
The commentary gets off to an unpromising start, though, with a litany of brand names preferred by the single black woman.
Now that's what I call an unpromising start.
Despite this unpromising start, Arnold prospered; he attended the local schools and became a successful merchant.
After an unpromising start, her works became known in the late 1930s and 1940s for their interest in nature.