'If it blew up, covering the matador/ the man said, 'he would become the unprotected target and might be killed.
Old-fashioned bullet-firing firearms are still in use as they continue to be effective against unprotected targets and are less likely to rupture a hull than a plasma bolt.
In his venomous effort to dispose of his uncanny foe, the Chinaman had made himself an unprotected target.
Her eyes were briefly haunted, as she remembered a time when pinnaces under her command had used similar weapons on unprotected targets.
The lesson here, rather than free speech, is that the nation's teachers have become unprotected targets for assaults by young people.
The General didn't like being on such a large, unprotected target and would not feel safe until he had solid ground under his feet.
The 5.7 hardened steel penetrator is able to defeat body armor and the fragmenting hollow point sabot increases the stopping power against unprotected targets.
They hit as broad showers of ions, igniting square yards of their present unprotected targets.
Even better, he could have used his shipboard lasers and grasers against those same unprotected targets.
Historically these tactics have encouraged potential bombers to target "soft" or unprotected targets, such as markets.