The job comes with sudden, unprovoked violence.
"While we understand and support the right to peaceful protest, police officers must be supported when dealing with such unprovoked violence."
Blacks were never safe from unprovoked violence or free to participate in mainstream society.
There was no talk of looting or personal gain, instead it seemed that they were taking their chance to attack the authorities, through completely unprovoked and heavy violence.
An unprovoked, unheralded violence contradicting all social contract, which calls for at least a cry of challenge or defiance?
Some instances have involved unprovoked violence.
We will not compromise at all in such instances of barbaric, unprovoked violence.
According to Swedish statistics, the average citizen has a 4% to 6% risk of being exposed to what is referred to as unprovoked violence.
Esmer's unprovoked violence would delight the Despiser, if Lord Foul knew of it.
Your letter writer's assertion that "all the religions outside of the biblical fold have no power whatsoever" has the effect of excusing unprovoked violence.