I thought it wasnt a completely awful analysis until this bit.Iran lost a million young men in an unprovoked war a generation ago.
Since fighting an unprovoked war only furthers the image of the United States as an enemy to eradicate, what about changing tack?
The terms are that all your population be sold into slavery to meet the indemnities it incurred when Earth brought on this unprovoked war.
Count 27 (waging unprovoked war against the Republic of China)
How," I have heard you ask, "could there have been so many unprovoked and unnecessary wars between friendly nations?
"Plotting unprovoked wars of aggression against your smaller and weaker neighbors is just so darned time-consuming, isn't it?"
The United States has said that it will not defend the island of Taiwan if it begins an unprovoked war of independence.
But when you're talking about an unprovoked war to dismantle a government half a world away, any road just won't do.
Mr Blair, this is a citizens' arrest for a crime against peace, namely your decision to launch an unprovoked war against Iraq.
Because the Ukrainians, in 1991 and 1992, were not having their cities bombed and their people brutalized in an unprovoked war of aggression.