Yakov Malkiel posthumously published many of his wife's papers and unpublished notes.
Other information was taken from unpublished notes when researching for the article.
It contains a story of his life, works, unpublished notes, admiration and gratitude.
In unpublished notes he described Harrington as "the professor who influenced me chiefly."
Tolkien only gave a few examples of the Iglishmêk sign language in his unpublished notes.
In his unpublished notes Gauss anticipated major work of several mathematicians.
So strong was his confidence in Engelmann's ability that he offered to give him his whole store of unpublished notes and sketches.
Most other state laws offer limited protection of sources and of unpublished notes, tapes and photographs.
Though, it was never published as a paper and there are just unpublished notes about it.
Plat left unpublished notes and tracts on scientific topics.