Two unpublished volumes of Buchan's ballad collections are in the British Museum.
Others, apparently intended for the unpublished second volume, survive in the Huntington Library as single copies.
Memoires d'un temoin du siecle, 4 with two added unpublished volumes (The Writer and Notes)
In the unpublished second volume of her autobiography she held that McCarthy had been "captured by the forces of the ultra-right and thereby led to destruction."
The unpublished second volume consisted of notes by Evans and plates and fonts created by Clarendon Press.
Also the South Caroliniana Library contains many unpublished volumes.
A significant initial section of Pauck's unpublished volume on Tillich's thought appeared posthumously in 1984 as "Paul Tillich: Heir of the Nineteenth Century."
A small remnant of these unpublished volumes is now in the Franciscan Library, Dublin.
The papers for this work and an unpublished third volume are held by the Victoria & Albert Museum.
Gosse studied and drew the local flora and fauna, assembling an unpublished volume, Entomologia Alabamensis, on insect life in the state.